Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Curiosity got me using routes I've not used in ages, and routes I usually wouldn't use in the morning (cos of something called traffic).

Kwaku Doe is still exactly where he's always been (since I started writing about him at least). Since I was just being curious and wanted to just see, I ignored him when he knocked on my window (to ask beg for money). Yep, I got a new car that has constant air conditioning (windows perpetually rolled up).

For the love of my new car, I dint risk taking a picture of my next update, as it was next to impossible to get one without having my car mangled. The metallic frame of the billboard is still in the same shape it has been for a while now. The flexi/sav (printed material) is still removed and I can't help but wonder what is going on. Of course, possible possibilities have run through my mind.

There are companies that construct metallic frames for billboards, pay AMA to have them sited (as well as monthly rental charges) and charge advertising companies nice sums to mount their printed material for a certain time period. Organisations hire advertising companies (or companies that profess to do just that) to do some advertisement for them. It is very possible that:
  1. the poorly constructed/poorly situated dangling metallic frame is the fault of the company that constructed it. Has absolutely nothing to do with the organisation being advertised, so that company has had its advertising company retrieve its flexi/sav, which can be reused (dint seem damaged to me).
  2. the organisation being advertised owns the metallic frame (very possible, very possible) and has removed its flexi/sav and will get to removing/fixing the metallic frame (I wonder how long that takes cos its been days weeks and trust me, there's no work going on there).
  3. a different company does own the metallic frame, it removed the flexi/sav and will get to fixing the metallic frame (most probably leaving it at the same place in the same position) in due time.
  4. the time period for the organisation's ad to be displayed has expired and that coincided with the collapse of the metallic frame, so, for both parties, "why bother?" (I guess the metallic frame constructing company will bother when another organisation or even the same organisation shows an interest in mounting an ad on this frame.)
Any other possible scenarios?


  1. How about showing us a pic of your new baby. :-)

  2. Patiently waiting for a picture of the new baby...the frame contructing body is not making enough money to bother with replacing the fallen frame

    1. Good point. Very possible, very possible. ummmm... about the picture... in due time :D


Saved (Twice)

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